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Mable Syndrome Punk Rock Podcast

Dec 12, 2017

In this episode our Co-Mable Kim steps in and interviews one of her favourite artists, singer/songwriter Frank Turner. Frank opens up about being a fan of music, and tells us who his favourite punk rock women are. Frank also dedicated a song to Mable Syndrome at the show after the interview! Frank Turner fans can't miss...

Dec 12, 2017

The second half of our interview with Face to Face frontman Trever Keith. In this half we continue the conversation about Trever's least favourite songs, discuss marriage and family, as well as he talks about what he likes most about the other guys in the band. Trever also picks the song to end the episode... we...

Dec 5, 2017

In this episode Jessica and Kristen sit down and have an epic conversation with the front man of the iconic punk band, Face to Face. Trever opens up about his least favourite songs on each album, talks about "Punishers", discusses the bands unique fans, and has a few laughs. One of our favourite interviews!

Dec 3, 2017

The second episode of Season 2 is a doozy.  Jessica and Kristen are in bad moods and talk about how much life sucks.  But, as always, we do so with humor, self-defeat and snark.  The conversation ranges from podcasting troubles, pickles, cats that interrupts…self love time, and waxing lady parts.  We do get to punk...

Dec 3, 2017

Welcome to Season Two of the Mable Syndrome Podcast! In this very special episode, Jessica and Kristen catch up and read an email from a listener.  After that, we play our interview with Rob Rufus, drummer of the band Blacklist Royals.  Rob is also a cancer survivor, author of the book, Die Young With Me, and all-around...